Discover the Beauty of the Falls of Foyers near Loch Ness

Discover the Beauty of the Falls of Foyers near Loch Ness

The Falls of Foyers, located on the banks of the iconic Loch Ness, is a breathtaking natural wonder that should be on everyone’s travel list. This magnificent waterfall, surrounded by stunning landscapes and wildlife, is a hidden gem despite being in the top ten highest waterfalls in the UK!

Located just a stone’s throw away from the Inverness, the Falls of Foyers make a great pit stop if you are in the area. We’ve put together this helpful guide so that you can make the most of your time there, keep reading to find out more about this awesome sight!

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What are the Falls of Foyers?

Set in a serene highland forest, the 140ft high Falls of Foyers is one of the highest waterfalls in the country and a brilliant place to stop for photos during a tour of northern Scotland.

The falls have captured attention for hundreds of years and have had many famous visitors. One such visitor, a Mr Robert Burns (you may recognise him as Scotland’s National Bard) was so captivated by what he saw in 1787 that he immediately stopped and penned this beautiful poem.

During Burns’ time, the Falls of Foyers would have been even more impressive that it is today. In the 1890s, a local aluminium factory diverted the flow of the river so that it would power their generators. This was a great source of free and renewable energy for them but it meant that the volume to the falls decreased.

With that said, when we visited we were still highly impressed with what we saw and recommend you pay it visit.

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Best time to visit the Falls of Foyers

Scotland is just one of those places that whatever the weather is, the landscape will always look dramatic.

During summer, the days are long, leaving plenty of time for adventures. The paths will be clear and easy, and you are guaranteed to have lovely views. However, because the thing you are going to see relies on rain, if you want to see the Falls of Foyers at its best we recommend you go after a heavy period of rain.

Yes, the paths will be muddier but the massive torrent of water crashing down over the cliffs will make it all worthwhile.

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How to get to the Falls of Foyers from Inverness

The Falls of Foyers are located on the South-Eastern bank of Loch Ness, right next to the small village of Foyers. The drive down from Inverness will take you about 30 minutes and is very simple, just keep the loch on your right side the entire time and you’ll be fine. On the way down, the road changes from two lanes to one so be mindful of other drivers and keep an eye out for the passing points.

Along the road there are a couple places where you can pull over and get out for a little exploration. Our favourite spot is directly across from Urquhart Castle because not only do you get amazing views, but you can also get right down to the water’s edge via a secret beach. And because this is on the less touristy side of Loch Ness, chances are you will have the place to yourself.

Once you eventually reach the village of Foyers, you will come across a small café and shop with an equally small car park next to it – this is the best spot to leave your car while you explore the Falls of Foyers.

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How to find the Falls of Foyers

Once you are parked up and ready to go, head across the road and directly in front of the café you will see a gate – this is the entrance to the Falls of Foyers walk.

When you are through the gate, you’ll be welcomed by some magnificent views over the woodland as well as some information boards to clue you up on the history of the falls as well as the local wildlife you may be able to spot in the area.

Once you’ve soaked it all in, keep to the left and follow the path down the hill. While the walk down is relatively easy, be mindful that some parts can be slippy and muddy if it has been raining recently. You should expect the walk to the falls to take around 15 minutes or just a bit longer if you are stopping for pictures.

Eventually you will come to the first of two photo points so have your camera ready! When you first catch a glimpse of the falls from this point you will be in awe at its beauty, however we recommend that you continue down the path just a bit more to get to the second vantage point which is even better.

When you’ve had your fill, head back up the hill where you can then follow one of the other woodland paths or head back to the car to explore more of the local area.

Things to do near the Falls of Foyers

As you’ll come to see, the Falls of Foyers are located in one Scotland’s most scenic and interesting areas and with so much to do nearby you’ll be spoiled for choice!

From the iconic Urquhart castle to the serene waters of Loch Ness, no matter what direction you go you are bound to found something spectacular.

These are just a couple of our favourites but to get a more complete list we recommend you check out one of our other articles.

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What to bring

Getting to the falls from the car park should be very simple for most people therefore you won’t need to bring any specialised hiking equipment.

While the path is generally solid, there are some parts that can get a bit wet and muddy after some rain so remember to wear shoes you don’t mind getting dirty.

Now, if you want to explore the rest of the woodland paths just remember that these stretch for miles so if you are going to push yourself further make sure you have plenty of water and snacks to keep yourself energised.

Accommodation near the Falls of Foyers

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