The Fyrish Monument Hike: Discovering the Beauty of the Scottish Highlands

The Fyrish Monument Hike: Discovering the Beauty of the Scottish Highlands

The Scottish Highlands are famous around the world for their dramatic landscapes, rugged terrain and stunning vistas. And with so many fantastic sights to see, it’s no surprise that countless visitors stick to the well-trodden tourist route when they travel here.

However, if you just stick to the path, you are bound to miss out on unique experiences and unusual places (especially in Scotland). One such hidden gem is the Fyrish Monument, a towering structure that stands proudly atop a hill in the town of Alness, just a short drive from Inverness.

If you are looking for an unforgettable adventure in the Scottish Highlands, then just keep reading!

The Fyrish Monument Hike (4)

Quick Info

Start Location: Fyrish Car Park
Route Length: 6km
Total Time Required: 1.5 to 2 hours
Ascent: 290m

What is the Fyrish Monument?

At its most basic, the Fyrish Monument is an impressive, late 18th century stone structure built high up on the hills of the Scottish Highlands. However, when you learn the incredible story behind its construction, the monument becomes even more special.

Upon looking at Fyrish Monument you’ll quickly realise that it doesn’t look like anything you’d typically find in the UK. This is because it is actually modelled after the city gates of Negapatam, India.

The reason for this is that it was in this very city that Sir Hector Munro, a commander in the British military, dealt a devasting blow to a Dutch army that outnumbered them two-to-one at the time of the Fourth Anglo-Dutch War.

When Munro returned to his native Scotland, the highland clearances were in full flow and poverty and famine were rife. Seeing this, Munro was keen to help his local people however the common thought at the time was that distributing food and money out to everyone freely wouldn’t actually help and instead would just make them lazy.

The Fyrish Monument Hike (3)

Therefore, Munro planned for a structure to be built upon a hill near his hometown so that he could hire local people thus allowing them to earn a wage and feed themselves. And so, work began on what would become the Fyrish Monument.

It is said that at every opportunity, Munro stalled construction for as long as possible just so that he would be able to pay and support the locals for as long as possible. One famous legend even says that when the locals brought the stone bricks up to the top of the hill, Munro would roll them all the way back to the bottom just so the project would take even longer.

Eventually, after about a year’s work, the Fyrish Monument was finally completed and to this day, just as it did then, stands prominently over the town of Alness with breathtaking views over the Cromarty Firth.

How to get to the Fyrish Monument

From the A9 going north, turn off and head towards Contullich. Once here take a left and head along Boath Road. Before long, you will come to a reasonably sized car park on the left side of the road. Its well signposted but if you are struggling then use this What3Words location //////

When you get out the car you’ll notice a large signpost at the entrance to the forest. This marks the , ‘Jubilee Path’ and is the one you’ll need to follow all the way to the top of the hill.

The Fyrish Monument Hike (2)

Luckily, the path is clear the entire way up so there is little chance of getting lost, just be sure to keep going straight when you come to any crossroads!

The path isn’t too long but is rather steep in stages and will lead you up through the forest, over a small bridge before eventually opening up to a large moorland. As you walk up, you’ll come across many beautiful, scenic views out over the Cromarty Firth that make for the perfect photo op.

The Fyrish Monument Hike (1)

Before too long you’ll catch a glimpse of the Fyrish Monument standing proudly atop the hill. It’s truly an amazing sight and so different to anything else you’ll come across in the highlands so take the time and soak it in.

Things to do nearby the Fyrish Monument

As you will soon discover, the Fyrish Monument is situated in one of Scotland’s most picturesque and fascinating regions. With a plethora of nearby activities, you will truly be spoilt for choice!

From the iconic Urquhart castle on the serene waters of Loch Ness, to the grand Dunrobin castle on the NC500, no matter what direction you go you are bound to found something spectacular.

These are just a couple of our favourites but to get a more complete list we recommend you check out one of our other articles.

Accommodation near the Fyrish Monument

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